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Puget Sound Orthopaedics Referral Coordinator Monika St. Jean


Spotlight on Referral Coordinator Monika St. Jean

You probably learned about Puget Sound Orthopaedics from your personal care provider when you were in need of a specialist. A referral coordinator like Monika St. Jean assisted you when you first contacted us.

In her role as a referral coordinator, Monika proactively shapes a positive experience for you and all our patients. She verifies your insurance benefits coverage and on the job injury claims before your appointments. This way there are no financial surprises when you’re here for care. Monika’s capable approach allows you to focus on your health and healing process.

Navigating insurance benefits for patients

As you might imagine, navigating the world of benefits coverage requires some real expertise. Monika brings years of experience. She has worked in multiple medical settings including a family practice and a urology practice. When Monika worked in a hospital setting, she didn’t always know or even meet her co-workers. One of the aspects she enjoys most about her role at Puget Sound Orthopaedics is getting to know the doctors, her co-workers, and most importantly you, the patients she supports every day.

“Puget Sound Orthopaedics is a close knit team,” says Referral Coordinator Monika St. Jean. “It feels personable and comfortable here because I have rapport with doctors, co-workers and patients.”

One of Monika’s favorite parts of her work is watching patients return to activities that they love. She finds this especially rewarding when working with athletes from many of the local high schools, universities, and even Tacoma Rainiers for care. She understands that for all patients, and especially athletes, time is of the essence.

“I enjoy the challenge of getting patients scheduled quickly on a doctor’s busy schedule,” she says.


Cooking up good things

Away from the office Monika delights in trying new recipes and is an avid baker. She also enjoys shopping and traveling to visit family in England and in California. She is a cat-person who reminds us all that there are no bad cats.

Since we like to be a little silly sometimes, we asked Monika some fun questions. When we inquired which cartoon character she would be, Monika declared that she wants to be Daisy Duck because she has great eyelashes. We also asked if she would rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster. Guess what? Monika would rather be a tiny elephant. She says this is because elephants are so emotionally intelligent.

Thank you Monika for your excellent work and endearing personality. We appreciate you.


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