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Surgery Scheduler AJ Whaley


Spotlight on Gig Harbor & Tacoma Orthopedic Surgery Scheduler AJ Whaley

Helping Gig Harbor & Tacoma Orthopedic Surgery Patients Schedule Care

Scheduling surgery at our Tacoma and Gig Harbor clinics runs smoothly, thanks in part to our surgery scheduler AJ Whaley. The role of a surgery scheduler is not as straightforward as it seems. At Puget Sound Orthopaedics we appreciate the nuanced work that AJ performs.

AJ is an excellent example of a professional who masters the craft of surgery scheduling. In her role, AJ coordinates surgical care time with you and your loved ones involved in your care. Then, she books surgical time with one of the four orthopedic surgeons that she works with at our Tacoma or Gig Harbor clinic. Beyond timing, AJ must account for several important factors. These factors effect you, your companion, your doctor, and the care team performing your surgery.

Our Surgery Scheduler Helps With:

  • Planning for the duration of surgical care or procedure.
  • Location organization. Our doctors perform surgery at our Lakewood outpatient surgery center, and at affiliated Multicare and CHI Franciscan medical centers when a hospital stay is required.
  • Coordinating with insurance to communicate clearly about your care needs, and provide coding that supports coverage.
  • Serving as the center of communication for you, your companion, and the medical care team performing your procedure.

AJ serves patients who see Dr. Douglas Hassan, Dr. Matthew Jenkins, Dr. Peter Krumins, and Dr. Patrick Vaughan. Her vast experience within our organization empowers the work she does. AJ is celebrating nine years with Puget Sound Orthopaedics. She began her career with us in medical records, and worked in our call center scheduling appointments prior to becoming a surgery scheduler.

A Positive Outlook

One of the things that makes AJ such a pleasure to work with is her friendly, fun-loving, positive attitude. Away from work AJ stays active with adventure travel that takes her from campsites and  cabin destinations to the sunny shores of Belize, Cozumel, and Honduras. She loves zip lining, dirt bikes and attending Seahawk and Sounder games. If she could visit any decade it would be the 80’s so she could roller skate 24/7.

Thank you AJ for everything you do for our team at Puget Sound Orthopaedics. We appreciate you.


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